Prime Minister Edi Rama expressed heartfelt condolences to the mother, brothers and sister of the martyr of the State Police Simon Gjeta, who died last night in the battlefield against crime.
The major achievements of the State Police in this war of the state with no tolerance against crime, are due to the work of good Albanians such as Simon Gjeta, whose name unknown until yesterday, among thousands of other names in the blue uniform, has now joined the names of those who died in the line of duty.
With deep conviction that the blood of the martyrs of the State Police will shape increasingly deeper the high sense of duty and the spirit of sacrifice of every Albanian citizen who is part of the reborn police forces, as well as with the firm commitment to thoroughly accomplish the state-building efforts, primarily for the rule of law in Albania, Prime Minister Rama bows with the deepest respect the in front of the work of the martyr Simon Gjeta.