Albanian Government Council of Ministers

Prime Minister Edi Rama’s meeting with mayors, lawmakers and cabinet members to discuss the post-earthquake situation:

Prime Minister Edi Rama: I would like to thank each every one of you, mayors, lawmakers and cabinet members, for attending this meeting about the fundamental need for us all to join forces and provide the maximum amount of assistance to the worst, mostly psychologically-affected people due to the last night’s earthquakes, so that we make sure that from now on we act as an integrated network, mainly focusing our work in the districts of Tirana and Durres. The human presence and contact with the affected people is of primarily importance. Hence, we will seek to establish direct contact with every family residing in the worst-hit areas that have borne the brunt of tremors and have suffered most damages, because anxiety and the potential confusion due to anxiety disorder is the first problem we have to cope with through simple explanations along with the assurances that once this tough psychological episode is overcome a process of assistance to provide compensation to everyone on the earthquake-affected list. Last night, I believe you have learned that a considerably high level of anxiety was widespread in the coastal district of Durres in particular that has been worst hit by the quake and a considerable number of people are staying outside their houses. Although the two summer resorts for the Ministry of Interior and Ministry of Defence have been made available along with 700 beds no influx of local residents has been recorded so far, also because the people’s need to stay close to each other, creating a massive crowd of them inside the city’s soccer stadium.

Of course, in such a situation the phantasy and fear prevail and they should be addressed through communication. To this end, I would like that we all spend the rest of the day contacting people in every identified area. Meanwhile, together with the Minister of Defence and the Minister of Interior, we had a communication with the heads of structures included in the civil emergencies network, prefects and civil emergencies officials, the State Police, and of course, visiting people at their homes and establishing direct contact with them would strengthen further if we all, and not only MPs representing Tirana and Durres, contact every family that needs to communicate. There are many houses and apartment buildings that have suffered cracks. It is significantly important to explain them that these cracks are not necessarily dangerous, because they are just a sign indicating what has really happened. But at the same time, the Institute of Construction, in collaboration with a team of experts and military engineers from the Ministry of Defence, and another team of experts from private construction companies being created by the Ministry of Infrastructure, will complete soon a detailed technical report to distinguish among the surface cracks, which have not affected the building’s structure and as such pose no threat to the people, and the cracks that have damaged the buildings’ structures.

On the other hand, it is equally important to explain people that, in certain cases, the buildings that feature a seismic gap between adjacent buildings are absolutely safe as the cracks merely show that the seismic gap, designed to mitigate the seismic pounding effect, has worked properly. Not every crack, or vertical fissure between the adjacent buildings, is a negative one. On the contrary, it might be an indicator that the seismic gap has worked properly for the purpose it has been designed. Just 30 meters away from here, one can obviously see the seismic gap between the government’s main building and the previous building of the Ministry of Finance. In other words, it is not about a structure problem, but a structure’s response to the shocks, just exactly for the purpose it has been designed. But, on the other hand, we should clearly identify any cracks to the houses’ and buildings’ walls to define whether they have damaged their structure.

However, it is crucially important – since I have carefully taken notes of every comment and the early morning media reports – to comfort people and assure them of the solidity of every building and dwelling for the time being. If – God forbid it – a stronger earthquake hits the country, then these buildings are equally safe just like any other building and they pose no imminent threat of whatsoever. Neither cracks, nor the fissures that might have happened between the seismic gap and the walls of the adjacent apartment buildings are dangerous. So, there is no problem of whatsoever. Just like it is universally known that no human capacity has been developed to date to predict earthquakes and what happened doesn’t necessarily mean that it will happen again. The aftershocks have kept gradually declining and such tremors are normal, just like it is the case in every post-powerful quake as these tremors stabilize the tectonic plates. These are simple events that take no science to explain and these are arguments that help to communicate and comfort people. Because panic is the most common thing in such events. All together should deploy according to the areas and the rest, the mayors and other prefects, will focus on critical areas, trying to establish contact with every family and individual within today. The information we have received is sufficient to arrange and assign tasks by covering the whole districts of Tirana and Durres, including the rural areas.

Another important aspect that we should bear in mind is the next phase which is about to kick off as of tomorrow has to do with the damage compensation. A detailed assessment report on the damages will be compiled. We have had a positive previous experience when an earthquake struck several villages in the region of Korça, where several houses really collapsed and today several families still live in tents. This is not the case regarding what happened yesterday, as not a single home collapsed because of the tremors.

The previous mayors across the country have created a solidarity fund to be used according a response plan to reconstruct the damaged homes and based on the response plan and the data on the post-earthquake first 48 hours I am confident that we will achieve the objective of making sure that no family is sheltered in tents before the rainy season begins. Every family will return to their homes that will be renovated. The Socialist Party has provided a significant financial contribution from its electoral campaign funding that has been allocated to assist the quake-affected families in the villages of Korça, while a number of private companies, acting upon an invitation from the Minister of Infrastructure, have joined this process. The state budget has also earmarked significant funding. We will do the same thing in the coming days and weeks. Each municipality will provide though a modest contribution. This is not merely a matter of funding, because the Ministry of Finance has already prepared a series of scenarious and we are ready to implement even the most expensive scenario. But we are talking about more than that. It is a matter of real solidarity and, in the meantime, the Ministry of Health and Social Protection structures have been already deployed to assist and provide humanitarian aid to the affected families.

Third, it is an imperative to show utmost special attention and care to the families with small children, because, based on the information we have received and the direct communication I have had with many parents, this is the most pressing problem for the time being. Fortunately, panic has been much more widespread than the real material damages, in terms that we face no damages we could have suffered – God forbid it – should the earthquake was to be a little bit stronger. The overall earthquake damage is a minor one, while it is certainly a serious damage to everyone that has been affected by the quake and each of us should consider it as being a damage of our own. After this meeting, we should travel to Durres. It is highly important to establish direct contact with the local residents. We should comfort them all prior to the nightfall. Nobody should worry today about the condition of their house, or the apartment building they live in, because, in spite of the cracks, they are totally safe. They pose no risk for the time being.

Mayor of Durres Valbona Sako: We have already identified around 188 homes that have suffered cracks that pose no safety threat. Two school buildings have also suffered exterior damages. Teams of experts have been deployed to verify the damages and the school buildings will be ready for the resumption of school tomorrow. The cracks to the apartment buildings are a matter for concern. However, cracks have appeared only on the exterior part of the buildings. A construction engineer has been hired to check the cracks and decide whether the pose safety threats. Local government authorities and employees in every administrative unit are working on the ground. Every damage is being identified. No victims or deaths have been reported. The emergency staff have opened a series of reception centres and holiday resorts of the Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Defence have been made available to the quake-affected families. Two families from Shijak area have been currently accommodated there. We have made available two phone numbers and we can read the people’s text messages on real time. As many as 26 injured people have been treated at Durres regional hospital as of 22:00 hrs, with majority of them suffering orthopaedic injuries and panic disorder. The situation is under control.

Mayor of Tirana Erion Veliaj: Some 42 apartment buildings have suffered the seismic gap openings, while a detailed report is being prepared on the potential damages for the engineers to have a final say on the kind of damages. The situation is somehow more difficult in rural areas. Some 70 homes, mainly old houses, have suffered serious damages in the areas of Peza and Ndroq and these houses need to be built from scratch. A meeting of the City Council is set to take place later on the day to change the municipal budget and allocate a funding as part of the response plan in Tirana, as well as in Durres and elsewhere if necessary. Six reception centres have already become operational in various parts of Tirana. All social centres have been made available for the affected families to accommodate and provide food. We have carried out an inspection of the school and kindergarten buildings and no damages have been identified. A total cleaning process will take place today and the activity will resume normally on Monday.

PM Edi Rama: The initial inspections have found that a total of 569 homes, including 53 apartment buildings have been damaged, mainly in Tirana and Durres. Direct contact with the 569 affected families should be established. The lawmakers representing Tirana constituency have been tasked with contacting people, along with municipal officials. I think mayors of other cities should join this effort in order to make this process as easy as possible.

Mayor of Tirana Erion Veliaj: We have just opened a centre at the Skenderbej square with various citizens demonstrating solidarity and offering food for the affected people. Other municipalities can do the same.

PM Edi Rama: It would be best if this operation is a structured one. It is very important to show utmost care because speculators start emerging claiming that they have been worst-hit and damaged compared to the others. On the other hand, the previous experiences in providing assistance and humanitarian aid show that not everything has gone right, because such assistance has not been provided to the people who really needed it.

Minister of State for the Diaspora Pandeli Majko: The Ministry of Interior and Ministry of Defence teams coped successfully with the initial phase of the post-earthquake situation. Just like the Mayor of Durres said, it is now time to help people overcome the panic.

The Minister of Health Ogerta Manastirliu: We have declared the emergency response plan at hospitals. So far, only ten injured people are being treated at the Trauma Hospital and the regional Durres Hospital. The situation will be closely monitored in the coming hours. The work will now focus on identification of the affected families and need social assistance by the State Social Service. Together with the State Social Service officials and teams in Tirana and Durres we have undertaken the necessary measures to provide assistance to all these families and ask them to accommodate at the reception centres already set up by the Municipality of Tirana and Durres, where they will find hot meal, as well as social and psychological advises. Certainly, maximum assistance will be offered to mothers and children.

MP Paulin Stërkaj: Don’t you think time has come to propose government set up a special fund since Albania is an earthquake-prone country, sitting in an active seismic zone. It would be best if the relevant ministers hire best experts and provide a real picture of the situation for the public. Most importantly, I think a government fund should be created, starting with the MPs who should provide and donate something when something like this happens.

PM Edi Rama: I think it is quite clear that yesterday, today and in the coming days we have used and will keep using the access to the media in order to communicate with the entire public regarding all these elements that would influence and help in comforting people psychologically. But, on the other hand, direct contact with every family is a must and irreplaceable, because communication and familiarity in this tough moments are irreplaceable. As for the fund, the Contingency Fund for Emergencies is established and always available at the state budget fund. Fortunately, considering the extent of damages, we are not worried at all in terms of the financial coverage capacity. The Ministry of Finance has promptly reacted to prepare any potential scenario, considering also a much worse scenario than this one. When the earthquake damages are beyond the limits, even the governments of large and developed countries call for international solidarity, just like it has been the case of Greece and Italy previously. This is the reason why just few minutes ago the Prime Minister of Italy, the President of France, Austrian Chancellor, EU Commissioner Avramopulos and many others have called me to express solidarity and ask for whatever we need. Likewise, the President of Turkey and Turkish authorities have instantly mobilized their structures, because the reports have been shocking and the experience has shown that solidarity is needed in such cases.

There are other issues that need to be discussed, including the home and property insurance. Unfortunately, this is a kind of taboo topic here. I have raised this problem since I was serving as Mayor of Tirana and this topic has been also highlighted by the current Tirana and Durres mayors, putting emphasis on the need to take another step regarding the home and property insurance against the natural disasters just like it is the case all over the world. It is impossible for the state budget to cover all needs in case of a natural disaster. Time is high to ultimately tackle this long-standing problem. Construction of any apartment building, which is the most sensitive part, should be insured. It is the insurance companies the ones that should give the green light and then assume responsibility for any violation during the construction stage, as nobody has taken over responsibility for such violations over the past 30 years. The insurance companies should act as the guard overseeing any construction site so that the constructor doesn’t deviate the project that could threaten the entire structure. On the other hand, it is worth saying that this earthquake was a kind of test showing, for the sake of truth, that the new buildings have indeed exceeded any prediction about their solidity. A much more moderate earthquake has toppled down 5 to 6-storey buildings in another country in the region. This is a positive aspect, but what happened really deserves a broad public debate. Of course, we will embark on this debate taking advantage of what happened without waiting for the people to forget it. Therefore, we will ask the construction companies to insure their projects and the insurance companies, on their part, should supervise these projects and will be held responsible for aspects concerning the construction standards and provide their contribution to compensate people if a disaster strikes.

MP Blerina Gjymaleti: I would like to emphasise the need for a larger team of experts and aid workers in the area of Kombinat, Tirana, because the cracks to the buildings there need to be carefully examined to find out whether damages to the building’s structures have taken place. There is a considerable number of apartment buildings there, or around 230 apartment homes, that have suffered cracks and other damages and I believe that presence of our colleagues would help a lot there. I have visited the area today and yesterday, and all emergency teams are on the ground, but it is really impossible to contact every family and therefore a larger presence is needed in the former Kombinat area and several villages, including Kashar, where 43 houses have been damaged.

PM Edi Rama: As many as 70 homes have been damaged in Elbasan too. The Mayor of Elbasan and lawmakers representing that district should focus their efforts to take contact with the affected families in Elbasan. The mayors of northern cities, together with MPs representing the northern part of the country should give their contribution here in Tirana. Meanwhile, mayors of other cities, together with MPs, including me, will all meet in Durres. A modest number of damages has been reported in the district of Fier too, but I have been assured by the local government authorities there that the situation is totally manageable and there is no need for additional forces.


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