Albanian Government Council of Ministers

Today’s decision of the Supreme Court for the reopening of the bloody file of January 21, has brought back to life the hope buried in the minds of many Albanians, that that file of a vicious state crime would emerge from the grave of rotten justice. This decision has reopened the eyes of our country’s justice, turning the decision of the European Court of Human Rights into a concrete opportunity for the new justice system to make history with the establishment of a fair justice.

Today I am more proud than ever for the unique contribution that the Socialist Party gave to the demolition of the Old Palace of Justice through the Reform of Justice; for the patience in the difficult confrontation with the legitimate cause of many disappointed by the endless dragging; for not shaking the belief that justice for January 21 can, should and will be done only by the justice system and nothing else, no matter how late it may come. With a sigh of relief from today’s decision and knowing that the way to the final payment by justice of the innocent blood of the four martyrs of January 21 will nevertheless be an uphill battle, I want to say to all of those who in these long years have not spared bitter words for my direction of the Socialist Party: You have my understanding, but never lose faith in our common strength and the Albania we are building through our common effort.

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