Prime Minister Edi Rama on Wednesday presented General Tod Daniel Wolters, the U.S. European Command and NATO’s Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR), with the Great Star of Pubic Gratitude during a special ceremony at the Maps Hall at the Prime Minister’s office “with profound gratitude for the vision, contribution and cooperation with Albanian Armed Forces, and for supporting Albania’s role in maintaining regional peace and security.
PM Rama Edi Rama: I will start by breaching the protocol and by speaking in English to honour our guest of honour, but also to avoid bad translation, which sometimes creates problems between Albania and the United States of America.
This is the first time that the person we honour is a General and I think for me it is not the first, but may be the last time to have the privilege to decorate a General, which is something absolutely amazing.
Certainly, this is also a moment to celebrate the most special and precious of friendships and the most precious alliance this country has been fortunate to have and be privileged to build, namely the alliance with the United States of America.
Sometimes, our European friends feel a kind of curiosity, so to say in a euphemistic way, about why and how comes that Albania and Albanians are so pro-Americans?
A new foundation stone has now been laid and we can celebrate the strongest and most fruitful relationship between Albania and the United States of America.
I never dare asking none of the American ambassadors on what they learn from Albania, but I can tell you that we learn a lot from this incredibly powerful partner and ally. And the Armed Forces are perhaps the best expression of our learning curve, accompanied by the U.S. friends within NATO, as well as bilaterally.
If our Armed Forces are now upgraded to a level that may be even the most optimistic ones wouldn’t dare imagine 10 or 20 let alone 30 years ago, this is by no doubt thanks first and foremost to our American friends and partners.
Let me tell you that among them, General Wolters, in particular, has a very special place as one of the most distinguished persons that represent this relation at best. I would tell you why. This is because General Wolters in particular, has been not only supportive, but he has been also eager to show by deeds and not by words that he cherishes this relationship and ‘cherishing” is a word I appreciate a lot, especially in the international relations of this country that are after all always about people.
The Albanian Armed Forces will never forget that it was General Wolters first and foremost the one to support since day one transformation of Kucova air base into a NATO tactical base, but also advocate and support Albania as one of host countries of Defender Europe military exercise. More than that, it was General Wolters, who advocated and supported since day one that Albania could host the forward-based Headquarters of the United States Special Operations Command Europe (SOCEUR).
And last but not least, the fact that I have had the privilege to meet the General in person and talk with and listen to him, I felt strongly encouraged by his words, when he told me: “You may be a small country and you have a small army, but still you can find your own place and create added value to the whole Alliance.”
It is my big honour to present General Wolters on behalf of the Albanian citizens, on behalf of the Albanian Armed Forces, on behalf of the Albanian government and myself, with the Great Star of Gratitude for Public Accomplishment.
I am privileged to give you this star, which is the star of our national hero and which contains inside it our eagle, as expression of eternal gratitude of this country towards you and of course towards all that you represent.
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U.S. European Command and NATO’s Supreme Allied Commander Europe, General Tod Daniel Wolters:
Never in my short life on planet earth have I been this touched.
Albania is the big brother in our NATO region. Other countries in the region wake up in the morning and all they have to do is just to look at your nation and know where to address to and what to do and that responsibility is daunting and what I have been able to witness since 2016 and on is growth. I have seen growth under your leadership and growth has skyrocketed and this is a reflection of great people you lead, as well as a reflection of the human element you already touched upon.
You are able to walk into a room of NATO senior leaders, presidents and prime ministers from 30 separate NATO nations and in a matter of second every single of these national leaders realizes that there is one very special and unique human being that embodies inspiration and treats other human beings with dignity and respect. In my lifetime, Mr. Prime Minister, you are that person.
I thank you so much for inspiring me as human being and for inspiring so many others and I look forward to you and I getting to at least 100 years so that we can continue celebrate this relationship!
Thank you so muc! It has been an honour! Thank you Sir!