Prime Minister Edi Rama today met with the team of architects tasked with designing the waterfront promenade project (Lungomare) in Durres, and the Mayor of the coastal city Emiriana Sako, to see firsthand the project details and the work already underway in the area.
“We should make efforts and communicate with all local residents owing apartments along the beach so that they can agree for their apartments to be rented out for tourist and so that they can earn a percentage of the income from this activity. The new project will provide an added value and it will significantly increase value of the private properties, apartments and hotels. The project will also add up to the new tourist port project, already being negotiated with the Emirati company to conclude the agreement and we very much hope that the construction work will kick off soon,” PM Rama said.
The development project extends over a 3-km long line from the Dajlan Bridge to the area known as Kavalishenca.
This project is designed to rehabilitate and further develop Durrës Beach area. The project envisages the creation of a waterfront promenade that stretches along the coastline.
The promenade will feature pedestrian, jogging track and bicycle lane. Stations with sports equipment for physical outdoor activities are designed to be built between the promenade and the beach area, as well as the creation of areas for practicing water sports. The project also envisages creation of commercial spaces and activities, as well as recreational functions. The project also envisages construction of children’s playgrounds along the promenade, as well as areas for other services.