Statement by Deputy/Minister of Internal Affairs Julian Hodaj:
The Council of Ministers adopted today the draft law “On the transitional and periodic evaluation of State Police, The Republican Guard and the Service for Internal Affairs and Complaints.”
The initiative aims to provide contribution to establishing and consolidating powerful and reliable institutions and high integrity professionals. There are honest and professional women and men, girls and boys in the ranks of these institutions. Thus it is exactly the cornerstone on which to built future institutions.
Transitional evaluation of State Police, The Republican Guard and the Service for Internal Affairs and Complaints (SIAC) is not mere dismissal of certain individuals from these structures. Obviously, cleansing of these ranks is cardinal under conditions of having elements related to crime, corruption and the incapable. Anyway the most significant aspect of this initiative is: promotion of honesty, capability and dedication, conveyance of positive energy, somehow hibernating on the sane part of such institutions.
This bill defines principles, criteria, transitional and periodic evaluation procedures, standards, organisation and functioning of evaluation bodies on State Police, The Republican Guard and The Internal Affairs and Complaints Service at the Ministry of Interior.
A mixed model is chosen where the highest ranking is assessed by independent commissions and outside-hired employees, while at other rankings commissions are integrated with employees who have successfully passed evaluation process.
All organisational and financial aspects are considered carefully to an unbiased, qualitative and transparent, swift and cost-effective process given that we refer to valuation of around 13 000 employees.
The bill was drafted in cooperation with missions that assist the State Police, PAMECA and ICITAP which are part of the working team.
The bill has undergone a long and comprehensive counselling process, beginning with consulting employees themselves who will be subject to evaluation, to then shift to consultations with public institutions’ representatives, civil society, or diplomatic missions accredited in Albania.
Ministry of Interior will not be part of the valuation process to guarantee its independency, impartiality and reliability towards employees and the public.
International partners will have a monitoring and advisory role throughout the process, starting from selection of the first vetting Committee members and proceeding through the entire evaluation process in order to guarantee quality, similar implementation of standards and guarantee transparency of the process itself.
Ministry of Interior expresses gratitude to all those who have provided their contribution to drafting this bill to its positive and constructive approach and the contribution given on improving this initiative’s quality.