The Sate Agency of Strategic Programming and Aid Coordination (SASPAC), in its capacity as National IPA Coordinator (NIPAC), hosted the annual meeting of the Monitoring Committee of the Instrument for Pre-Accession (IPA) on 12 June 2024.
The Committee is a high-level meeting gathering once a year. The meeting was chaired by Ms. Jona Suli, National IPA Coordinator (NIPAC) for Albania, and Ms. Sigrid Brettel, Acting Head of Unit in the European Commission’s Directorate General for European Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR).
In order to enhance transparency, responsiveness and to ensure the overall inclusion of all actors involved in these proceedings, representatives of the civil society and the diplomatic community also attended the meeting.
The meeting aimed to review the overall progress in the implementation of EU financial assistance in Albania. Participants discussed the overall state of play of EU-funded projects in Albania under the IPA pre-accession funds. Progress and achievements were highlighted, along with strategies to improve the effectiveness, coherence, and efficiency of EU programmes in preparing Albania for EU accession, ensuring a tangible impact on institutions and citizens
The meeting acknowledged the progress made and emphasised our dedication to reach sustainable development and boost economic growth.
Discussions were framed around Albania’s national Reform and Growth Agenda for 2024-2027, which will be supported by the EU’s Growth Plan for the Western Balkans. This plan, worth €6 billion, is designed to complement IPA funds, with the aim of accelerating socio-economic reforms, modernising the economy, advancing technology, digitalisation, and the green transition, while also strengthening political reforms and the rule of law. The Reform and Growth Agenda, backed by EU funds, is expected to boost sustainable growth, create jobs, improve the business environment and generate new opportunities for young people in Albania.
The meeting included in-depth discussions in 3 key areas: (i) Rule of law and fundamental rights, (ii) Environment, Climate Action and Energy(iii) Education, Employment and social Policies. All ongoing projects or projects that have been finalized in 2023 were reviewed, with a view to identifying the progress made in carrying out the envisaged activities, achievements, challenges encountered in implementation, lessons learned and corrective actions taken or planned for the upcoming year.
The progress regarding indirect management projects has been reviewed and appreciated, together with issues related to the functioning of national system of management and control under the indirect implementation mode.
Upcoming of EU assistance programme for 2024 will aim for a stronger transformative effect on the Albanian administration, while maximising the impact on citizens was also addressed.