Albanian Government Council of Ministers

Residents of the apartments of Hawaii towers in Tirana received today the legalization permits, after two decades of wait. 600 legalization permits were distributed today for two of the towers in the Don Bosko area, while 1,520 families are benefiting from the same procedure followed for 14 towers in Tirana and 4 towers in Durres.

Prime Minister Rama, along with Minister of Tourism Eglantina Gjermeni and Director General of ALUIZNI Artan Lame, met today with residents of the neighborhood “Don Bosko” and personally delivered the legalization permits.

ALUIZNI Director Artan Lame explained that a real chaos was encountered in the process of legalization of these buildings, with insufficient documentation and irregular contracts. “We had to make some legal acts and laws to make the process possible and put it on the road to resolution. Some of them didn’t have any document, and for the most part of some objects no construction projects existed. All residents had stipulated contracts, but some of them were either incomplete or unfinished.”

The Prime Minister delivered permits to citizens. Many of them received them on behalf of their immigrant families, conveying them from afar the joy of a dream fulfilled. “This is my brother’s house. He lives in the UK and I have been waiting for 8 years to tell him the good news. I’m telling him from this room that his dream came true.” – Zemri Heta said while thanking employees and executives of ALUIZNI.

While receiving the much awaited permit, Sokol Alushani said that his confidence in the future has become stronger. “The fact that these are becoming reality convinces us that the future we will be even better”.

The Prime Minister explained to residents that they already posses real property which they can use to further develop their economy. “It is important to be noted for the process. For you living in residential buildings it has never been a problem whether your dwellings were going to be demolished or not. This permit should be for another reason. The moment the apartment becomes realty, you and your family have the opportunity to go to the bank and ask for a loan to open a small business, to support your child studies, to buy a car, to join someone from your region and participate as shareholders in a farm, etc. So, because of this property title, the house is transformed from a shelter not listed anywhere into an asset used as collateral in a bank. And this is an added value for every family because from the moment that the family has this real estate, it is not left anymore without anything but it has the money invested, transformed in the value of this paper. This is something of great importance for the national economy, because all those who live in not legalized houses have actually turned everything they had into bricks and mortar and are generally poor or in very difficult situations. From the moment they mortgage their property, they have a fortune. And with this fortune they think and decide for themselves what to do”.

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