Prime Minister Edi Rama inspected the newly-reconstructed Lushnja Congress, where a music class has been launched after two decades following the request filed by a group of parents with the online co-governance platform Albania We Want (
The government head, accompanied by the Minister of Education Besa Shahini, visited the school that has been included in the programme “We do homework.” Pupils are taught and the primary school kids spend around two more hours doing their homework in the classroom and then they spend one more hour in free time and leisure activities. “This school has been reconstructed in 2017. This school has 500 pupils. A new music class has been launched this year with 15 school kids attending the music class and learning to play various musical instruments for first time after 25,” the school principal said.
According to the school’s pedagogical staff, the opportunity provided to Lushnja primary school children to attend music classes and learn how to play musical instruments, including piano, violin or guitar, revives an early music tradition in this school after more than two decades. “The co-governance portal has worked properly. We have received a complaint, proposing the launch of a music class given the large number of talented kids and providing them the opportunity to attend music classes here rather than having to travel to Fier or elsewhere,” the Minister of Education Besa Shahini said.