Majlinda Dhuka
Minister of State and Chief Negotiator
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Ms. Majlinda Dhuka has graduated from the Faculty of Law, University of Tirana, and holds a Master’s degree in European Studies.
She has also completed several post-graduate studies and trainings, at home and abroad, in public law of the European Union, at the European Public Law Center and at the University of Athens; international relations and diplomacy; as well as leadership, innovation, and economic governance at Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government.
Ms. Dhuka has performed several management functions as a civil servant in directorates and departments dealing with issues such as legislation; development and strategic planning in the Municipality of Tirana, as well as in development cooperation and foreign aid; development programming and strategic planning; and good governance and public policy in the Prime Minister’s Office. Moreover, Mrs. Dhuka has played the role of Deputy Secretary General of the Council of Ministers.
Ms. Dhuka has also contributed in the academic field, as a lecturer at the School of Magistrates, as well as at the Faculty of Law at the University of Tirana, etc. She speaks fluently several foreign languages.