Prime Minister Edi Rama spent a sports Saturday on this day. In the morning, Prime Minister Rama and Mayor of Tirana Erion Veliaj toured the new sports fields in the new playground park opened at the Lake, where they played a basketball game with a group of students of the high school “Qemal Stafa”. For these young people, sport is one of the main commitments in addition to class hours, and for many of them basketball is a favourite sport. Some of the guys are engaged in various teams. The new fields have become a favourite corner of the city for the young people. From a place filled with potholes, it has become a nice sports ground accessible for free by anyone who want to dedicate to sports their spare time. The Prime Minister noted that 30 million dollars have been invested in three years only for sports infrastructure, and he urged the young people to use it. The Mayor informed that the new field of the Olympic Park is ready.
In a conversation with the young before the match, the Prime Minister recalled moments of his sporting life when he played with the Dinamo team. “We had many intellectuals in the team and did a lot of debate. Constructive debates always take you forward”, the Prime Minister said and revealed them a dream young people had back then:” We wished we could have a sports palace like the one in the Olympic Park.”