Albanian Government Council of Ministers

Pr. Prime Minister,

France was attacked again in its body and soul by blind hatred, bigotry and contempt of life.

Moulded by the numerous ties of friendship and love with your country, Albania and the Albanians wherever they are share the pain of the French nation, being vigilant and aware of the size of the battle against terrorism, which we have to take forward together.

France was covered in blood, because it is the living testimony of the effort for civilization and an international society firmly rooted in human dignity, social justice and the common good.

Deeply overwhelmed, the France of sixteen centuries of majestic history will be able to regenerate in the unity of all the French people and their loyalty to the universal values that this country has bequeathed to humanity everywhere and of which it should feel rightly proud.

Beyond the individual and collective solidarity that the Albanian government and our nation express to the French people, and in particular to the families that are in mourning today, I want to assure you and testify in these difficult moments the full commitment and Albania’s unquestionable support by your side, by the side of France, by the side of Freedom.

Conveying condolences to the families and relatives of the victims, please accept, Mr. Prime Minister, the expression of my deepest respect.


Edi Rama

Prime Ministero f the Republic of Albania

H.E. Mr. Manuel Valls

Prime Minister of the French Republic


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