Prime Minister Edi Rama visited today the “2014 Employment Fair” where for 3 days in a row, 80 companies have been providing over 6,200 new jobs of different profiles and levels. The Prime Minister was informed by various entrepreneurs on their businesses and their requirements as employers.
During talks, the adoption of a new culture in the relations between employers and jobseekers was considered to be very important and necessary.
A representative of one of the companies present, who has been in emigration for several years, said that Albanians should be more confident on the work and production in Albania and appreciate them more. “We come back with skills obtained abroad and here we see young people asking to get paid the same as in Germany,” he said.
He went on saying that the company he runs offers to job seekers the opportunity of a 6 to 9-month preliminary training in the sector. “All our business is asking for is to be heard, because we provide opportunities also to beginners by investing from 6 to 9 months in their trainings. And we expect them not to use this training as a springboard to somewhere else, but to build their careers here.” He brought as example the 500 chemists that graduate every year from the Faculty of Natural Sciences, the majority of whom do jobs that are not related to their education.
The Prime Minister congratulated entrepreneurs both on their businesses and on the opportunity they are offering to jobseekers by providing preliminary training.
The Prime Minister visited another stand where 10 different companies offer 1,000 new jobs. They said that people have shown a lot of interest and job applications are still going on.
There were also many companies that provide jobs for engineers in various fields, economists, etc.
The banking sector provides a high number of new jobs at different levels. Prime Minister Rama followed closely the application of a woman who applied for a position in a second level bank.
Prime Minister Rama continued his visit to several companies who provide jobs for people with disabilities. He congratulated them on the initiative and highly appreciated their commitment to it.
In addition, the garment industry and the construction sector are offering a considerable number of vacancies throughout the country.