Albanian Government Council of Ministers

Press conference by PM Edi Rama on presentation of National Consultation results and opinions by 563.195 citizens:


Prime Minister Edi Rama: Good afternoon! Thank you! We are here today to unveil the findings of the National Consultation process on a number of policies, an incredible process in terms of the work volume and intense communication with the citizens.

The process was of course marred by an undesired interference that has actually affected the whole world and is of course related to perhaps much more important things the citizens for the time being  in terms of their household economy and their country’s economic development. However, what matters most is that during and after the impact of the Ukrainian war, which has certainly and naturally shifted our focus and attention, we have actually recorded a high public participation and we have concluded the National Consultation process that saw participation of over half a million people.

I believe we completed the National Consultation process positively with its most positive and significant result being the citizens’ participation, but of course there is still a lot to improve on.

Given that it was a first-time survey with so many unknowns and dilemmas for us too, what matters most is that we reward the trust of all the citizens who joined the process, regardless of their opinion, and give them back what they deserve, namely our commitment and dedication so that their voice is heard with respect and their opinions be transformed into concrete implementation plans to the direction they have guided us through their participation.

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 –  With reference to the second and third question that require changes to the Criminal Code but also other Constitutional changes, how do you plan to deliver on them and when do you plan to begin work on these changes?

PM Edi Rama: None of the questions call for Constitutional changes. I feel incredibly relieved and clear about the decision to be made. The voice of the citizens is reverberant regarding all the aspects we wish to take forward through the decisions we will make and we will do exactly what the citizens want us to do.

 – As for the sixth question about cultivation of industrial cannabis, the findings of the survey suggest that 61% of the respondents back legalization and cultivation of medical cannabis, 29% of them rejected it and 10% of the respondents say that they “don’t know”. How the government plans to proceed regarding this issue taking also notice of Albania’s past with cannabis cultivation?

PM Edi Rama: We will act exactly the way the citizens want us to proceed and we will absolutely legalize cannabis for  medical use only and we will open a fresh front of job creation and economic growth, in addition to growth in technological aspects. There is no dilemma about it. We will definitely deliver on what citizens have asked us to do.

 -Is there a calculated cost of this whole process and do you think it is really worth spending so much, if there is a lot of money, or is it worth spending an amount of money for this process?

I see that the last question about the Open Balkan initiative enjoys less support than the other questions that have received positive feedback, whereas 59 percent of the respondents think the Open Balkan initiative is beneficial for Albanian and for regional peace. Are you somehow discouraged from the support of only 500,000 people, who have participated in the National Consultation process and are you discouraged by the fact that Serbia, unlike Albania, is not pursuing a very European approach to the Russia-Ukraine conflict and Serbia has yet to take a clear position?

PM Edi Rama: First of all, 59% suggest a strong support. Second, one should not forget that the process was also influenced by the war and Russia’s aggression on Ukraine and it has definitely had its psychological impact on the respondents.

On the other hand, Albania is not involved in the Open Balkan initiative for the sake of Serbia, but for its own good. The Open Balkan initiative doesn’t protect Serbia’s interest, but our own interests and of course Serbia defends its own interests as everybody else does.

The Open Balkans is an initiative of converging and not divergent interests, and every convergence we deliver on the good neighbourly relations serves peace, serves security, and serves economic and social development.

The Open Balkan initiative is to the very best and most important interest of Albania and Albanians, including Kosovo.

As to the cost of the process, the cost is a minimum one relative to the benefits from the process.

This is a process – I would like you to take note of my words – which will become a tradition and it will become a healing process for the political relations in Albania and for the relations between the citizens and the politics.

 – A day ago you stated that the Socialist Party has the required number of votes to elect the country’s next President alone and that the ruling majority doesn’t depend on other political parties. Does this mean that the dialogue with the opposition to elect a consensual President is ruled out?

PM Edi Rama: I stated clearly yesterday that we are making efforts to communicate with all the possible pieces or factions we can communicate with, since we are not going to communicate with every faction in that Parliament. We will communicate with any factions that represent the living people.

 – Can 500,000 citizens alone decide about the majority of Albanians, taking also notice of the fact that none of the respondents would assume responsibility and having no guarantee of what knowledge they have of the law? I am making this question since a considerable majority of the respondents supported the idea that the government should further stiffen penalties and the Criminal Code. 

Since we are talking about electing the next President, in a bid to avoid political conflict, don’t you think that the next questionnaire should include the question whether the country’s President should be elected by the people?

PM Edi Rama: I don’t really understand why you consider citizens unaware of their responses as they have sought tougher penalties. I do not know how you find any correlation with this issue. However, this is not a big deal to me, because for me it matters what the citizens say and, frankly saying it exceeded my expectations, since participation of 300,000 respondents was enough to achieve the participation target, but participation of over 500,000 citizens exceeded any expectations, and undoubtedly participation of over 500,000 citizens have an extraordinary influence regarding the nature of this consultation process, which is not a referendum. 

I already said, we can’t deliver on everything immediately, but everything will be done the way the citizens want us to do.

I personally oppose the idea for the President of the country to be elected by the people in a republic like ours, because it is not in the nature of our Republic. If the President was to be elected by the people, we would have to give the President more power.

 – I would like to ask you about the question concerning the judges and prosecutors who are waiting vetting. You said that you will amend legislation, namely you would review the justice system reform. Would this involve constitutional changes?

PM Edi Rama: How many times should I say “No”? I already provided an answer earlier, saying that none of these would require constitutional changes.

 –  The Special Prosecution office has most recently seized the Fier incinerator and has demanded the arrest and imprisonment of a Socialist MP, who used to previously serve as a senior official of the Ministry of Environment. Do you think it’s time to revisit these concession contracts or suspend the contracts on the incinerators? 

PM Edi Rama: It’s a saying I recall very often, and my grandmother taught me that. I know it both in Latin and Italian, but I would say it in Albanian: “To err is human, but to persist in error is diabolical.” The state, the government can operate neither like a press or news outlet nor can it act on the basis of individual reaction, seemingly quite natural ones. If it was for me in my capacity as an individual – for everyone to know – as an individual free of the burden of this office, I think just like you, but this cannot be done legally, because we are dealing with an ongoing process and a final court ruling has yet to be made.

Politics is primarily a common solution of common issues in the interest of each and every common country. Involvement in the National Consultation means involvement in politics to deal with politics without denying neither your affiliation to one or another political camp nor your beliefs and nothing else. Consultation affects everyone allowing everyone to express their opinion on issues that are directly related to them.

Thank you very much everyone!

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