During his visit in Korce, Prime Minister Edi Rama, together with Minister of Education Lindita Nikolla, visited Sevasti Qirjazi 9-year School. This is one of the pilot educational institutions for the implementation of the project “Schools as Community Centres”. Part of this project is also the establishment of electronic registry system.
Prime Minister Rama and minister Nikolla watched a demonstration of the system, which replaces the current registry with a new electronic-based version. This system enables parents to receive real-time information on the progress of their children, through the communication via email or telephone messages.
Witnessing a real-time demonstration of the parents’ immediate notification on every score or absence that is reflected on electronic registry for each student, thePrime Minister said that the project offers more security and consolidates school-parents ties.
“This project takes its time, but certainly, we must not waste time bring students, teachers, parents and the Government in one, in order that together we do our best to boost quality of life in schools, in general, and to improve the results of all students, in particular. I think this is a promising example. The project provides more security for the school, more security for the children, more security for the parents and guarantees continuous progress, as well as is founded on unstoppable innovation by exploiting technology at its best,” the Premier said.
Minister Nikolla stressed that the success of this registry is encouraging for the replication of the model in all the schools across Albanian, in order to bring teaching very much up to date, increase student’s commitment to learning and make the parent part of the teaching process.
“Here, we demonstrated a promise made by the Government, a constant request of Prime Minister to have an open school and include parents as part of the communication and education. We will pave a new way based on the partnership with you,” Nikolla said.
Prime Minister Rama considered the model as innovative and said he was confident that its application across the country would turn the schools into real community centres.
“I am cofident that, based on these examples, we will be able to spread the model from Korca to all the Albanian territory. Let it be a whole network of this new model of relations between children and the school, between school and the parents, and between parents, school and the Government,” the Prime Minister said.
The project on Schools as Community Centres includes the establishment of an online registry that collects data on each student that are accessible by all parents, as well as the delivery of a monthly notification letter to the parents by the school. The project is also viewed as the project of the strategic school-parents-government alliance, which will enable mutual accountability and ensure quality in the teacher recruitment process.