Statement by Deputy Prime Minister Ms Ledina Mandija: “I guarantee that the Task Force will fulfil its mission for a peaceful, free and fair election process.”
Taking into account the recent misconceptions regarding the role of the Task Force established by Decision No. 473, dated 1.6.2017, of the Council of Ministers, “On taking measures and monitoring the activity, behaviour or use of financial and logistical state administration resources during the electoral process for the 2017 parliamentary elections in Albania”, and in respect of the spirit of cooperation and the necessary institutional understanding during the pre-election period, the Deputy Prime Minister Ms Ledina Mandija, in the capacity of Chair of the Task Force, wants to clarify to the public that the main purpose of establishing the Task Force is interagency coordination of work, in order to develop a fair and peaceful electoral process.
In this context, the Task Force monitors the implementation by the state administration of the statutory rules in force, and cases of irregularities in the electoral lists, always in view of respecting human rights during the electoral process.
When during the monitoring process, cases of unlawful conduct or actions that violate the progress of the electoral process are observed, the Task Force will notify them to the competent legal institutions for the further prosecution of the case according to the legal provisions in force.
The Deputy Prime Minister takes this opportunity to urge all public administration employees to live up with the situation, and fulfil professionally and impartially the functional duties assigned to them by the law, outside any political influence.
Ms Mandia wants to assure the public opinion that she is and will be determined to fulfil her mission to ensure a peaceful, free and fair election process.